about me

Ex-Volunteer. From Spain. Disposed to share all those things that made me happy while I was living in Poland. ( 1st September 2006 - 24th June 2007). Two reasons: - not many people know about the European Volunteer Service. - not too many people know that nothing is impossible.

Going back to Biala!! May ´08.

2nd- 11th May 2008.
Life is great!!

“Our parents told us: NEVER GO NEAR THAT HOUSE...So, of course, we went"

Once I was told we should follow our own way, no matter how difficult is it. And I did. And I still do. And halfway I found you, I found myself.Now my way won´t be the same anymore.

Thanks to Agnieszka, Sarah, Ewelina and all these
people, from work, from the pubs, and of course, kids from common rooms, who like me as I am and were waiting for me, without questions.

"I like to think about these people
they taught me so many things that I
never dreamed of before.
and they taught me well,
very well
when it was so much need
they showed me so many things
that I never knew were possible.
those friends
deep in my blood
when there was no chance
gave me one." Bukowsky.